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Send Help

Writer's picture: Kristy HollisKristy Hollis

When you are in the midst of a season, in the middle of a storm, often times we feel as though we are drowning. We tread the water, sometimes frantically, waiting for someone to come along and pull us out. Often times we get so caught up in the struggle that we can't stop treading and reach for the hand that is trying to pull us out of the water. When we stop thrashing about we begin to sink. We let the moment take over and we begin to live in a mindset of survival. But we can't survive thrashing and treading. We have to do what, apparently, is called the dead man's float. Everything about this goes against my better judgement. It's face down, floating on the stomach, lifting your head every so often to take a breath. Or something to that extent. This is the survival mode that allows you to survive, that allows you to be pulled from the depths of the sea without drowning.

In Exodus chapter seventeen the Israelites were at war, the Amalekites were fighting against them. Moses told Joshua to take some men and fight. His war plan was to stand on the hilltop with God's staff in his hand. It was a good plan because whenever his arms were raised the Israelites were winning. If he lowered his arms, the Amalekites would prevail in battle. Now, I like the idea of winning a war completely based on whether or not someone is raising their arms. However, I would not want to be the person responsible for keeping the arms raised. I can't even make it through one worship song on a Sunday morning without my arms getting tired. My back even starts hurting if I've been standing too long during the worship portion of service. Can you imagine the fate of your people in battle depending on you keeping your arms up? Thankfully Aaron and Hur were there. They brought a stone for him to sit on and they supported his arms. Moses was postured correctly during his battle. He wasn't thrashing about or trying to tread the waters to survive. He was postured in full surrender to God. But he still needed help STAYING postured that way. He needed close, trusted friends; a brother, to come along side of him. Praise the Lord, the Bible says no where that we are to rely on our own strength to get us through. It says that God's strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). God does not expect for us to tread water and swim out of our storm. He doesn't even expect us to hold our arms up by ourselves.

Who do you have walking alongside of you? Who helps you remain in a posture of full surrender and obedience to God? Who prays for you and walks beside you in the midst of your storm? Maybe the better questions are who do you walk alongside of? Who do you help remain in a posture of full surrender and obedience to God? Who do you pray for and walk beside in the midst of their storm? Do you continue walking beside them, seeing it through to the end regardless of the outcome or do you say a few prayers and, if God hasn't moved in the situation by the time you think he ought to have, you forget it and move on? The Acts 2 church wasn't a fair weather church. We are not called to be fair weather friends or fair weather warriors. We're called to battle along side others, strengthening them and encouraging them, holding them up when they fall.

When we face the storms of life alone, it can cause us to become discouraged, doubtful, and bitter. Losing hope we begin to walk in defeat. We lose sight of the purpose that God has called us to and rather than walking as a victorious child of God, we become barren in our efforts to live out our purpose. We need an Aaron and a Hur to come along side us and help us in our battle. We need friends and prayer warriors to literally help us remain in alignment with God and postured to walk in obedience and victory. When we truly are walking in victory, regardless of our circumstances, we find a joy and a peace in knowing that God is fighting the battle for us. If you haven't already listened to the latest episode, "Send Help", tune in and listen to Amanda talk about the battle in which she currently is raising her arms. This week of thanksgiving, give thanks for those who are helping you keep your arms up, praying for you and with you, and walking through the battles of your life beside you. I know that this week, we are giving thanks for all of you and praying blessings over your lives.

You can listen to the latest episode on Stitcher, iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, or right here on our website at



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